Commercial Painting
Thanks to you and your team for the beautiful and professional way you painted the sanctuary. I appreciate your timeliness and cooperation to help us finish our project on time and one budget.
~ First United Methodist Church
They did a great job on time. Walgamuth Painting is a great vender to have. The clients love their new work space. Thank you Dale!
~ PG&E Meadowview, Exterior Painting Project
Commercial Painting Northern California
Walgamuth Painting provides the highest quality painting and decorating customer service in Northern California. We provide our customers with premier quality products and service at competitive prices while maintaining the most productive, conscientious personnel combined with state of the art equipment and technology; all guided by a strong management team. Our employees are drug-free, smoke-free, friendly, punctual, efficient, and always maintain a clean job site.
Know you need to repaint the interior of your business but worried it will cause too much disruption? Our conscientious and courteous painters frequently work unobtrusively in various businesses and medical facilities. However, when customers prefer or conditions necessitate, we are happy to provide bids for evening and weekend work. Our crews will come in each evening and leave your business cleaned-up and put back together each morning.
Walgamuth Painting serves contractors and clients on commercial, medical, assisted living, schools, museums, and government office projects. We have earned a reputation for providing quality workmanship performed as scheduled in a timely, safe, and efficient manner with minimal disruption. We have established ourselves in a strong, positive manner resulting in the majority of our contracts being either referrals from previous contractors and clients or repeat and ongoing business with established customers.
We own all of our own equipment necessary for painting and decorating operations. We provide our employees with all trucks, vans, lift equipment, spray equipment, hand tools, respirators, and safety equipment required. We own and operate four (4) boom lifts and four (4) scissors lifts. Having the right equipment readily available allows us to complete large projects in a consistent, timely, efficient manner without compromising quality or safety.
Many of our customers, including general contractors, property managers, hospitals, government clients, and individual accounts, are repeat customers spanning many years of service.
Walgamuth Painting is always committed to providing the most experienced personnel, quality products, efficient methods of application, and strong management necessary to meet the project schedule and design requirements.
DVBE Certification #2017370
DIR Registration #1000004025